Saturday, January 22, 2011

Naruto 525 Raw Spoilers and Predictions

Naruto 525, Bleach 434 & One Piece 612

Really Interesting!! Start Reading:
contributed by: Obi-Wan

Gaara's father is summoned.
The Second Mizukage is summoned.
The Second Tsuchikage is summoned
The Third Raikage is summoned.

From what's being said, it seems the Second Hokage is summoned too.

Hyūga clan is summoned.
Kinkaku Ginkaku is summoned. [a/n: this sounds like a wrong spelling of the Kinkaku Force. The kanji say Golden Tower Silver Status, 金閣銀格.]

Tsunade knows Dan has been summoned.
Something called a Kekkei Dōta (血継淘汰, Bloodline Selection) is introduced.
The Second Tsuchikage has a Kekkei Dōta.
The Third Tsuchikage has a Kekkei Dōta.
It gives the ability to create Jinton by manipulating Earth, Wind, and Fire.
It seems it's going to be the Second Tsuchikage vs. the Third Tsuchikage.

Gaara's daddy senses Gaara's chakra.

Zetsu appears at the Daimyō's place.
Oh, Dōta should be Touta

Touta (淘汰) refers to evolutionary selection, as in the natural or artificial selection of certain genes and traits that causes a species to evolve into something new.

Here it might refer to the mating of individuals from different clans to create new bloodline abilities, perhaps by combining two different bloodline limits into a completely new ability.
part two:
I haven't read it carefully yet, but...

Kinkaku and Ginkaku are shinobi with the Raikage. [a/n: Kinkaku = Golden Horn. Ginkaku = Silver Horn. The Kinkaku Force was the group that killed the Second Hokage.]

Where's the Second Hokage? I can't sense him anywhere, while I'm sensing several kilometres ahead...

That's why I'm not sure if the Second Hokage has been summoned or not.
Konoha's Kinkaku

Part three:

Mū tries to sense the Second Hokage, it seems.

Several kilometres ahead... it says.
by: Gakure

Naruto 525: Full Body Foes

-Somewhere in the desert-

Gaara: They’re here….(Jumps from atop the hill to the ground). U are in my territory. Care to invite the other two to join us.

(3rd Rai and 4th kazekage emerges from behind one of the hills)

(Behind Gaara and one of the desert hills)

Temari: Get ready, Gaara’s distraction shd be enough for u to immobilize them. (Spreads her fan)

Shikamaru: Such a drag. (Signals to others to get ready). Tonka, get the sealing barrier ready.

Tonka: Yessir

(Back to Gaara vs 3 kages)

Gaara: Pops, u too?

4th Kazekage: Sorry son, must kill u.

Gaara: What makes u think this time is different from the other times u tried to?

(Gaara gets blitzed by a fast moving Raikage)

3rd Rai: No talking, Just aint manly.

-Swordsmen vs Kakashi Platoon -

Kakashi: Mist is all cleared and its an all out war now. Begin Sai, no time to waste. Maki and I will give u cover. Santa, u stay and guard Sai.

Maki: U sure u can that sword?

Kakashi: Don’t worry about that. I have copied Zabuza’s moves and also have the ability to use it thanks to…. (Remembers fighting Sakura and Naruto, and how Sakura punched the ground open – 246 pg 11. Thinking: I copied the chakra manipulation then). Let’ go Maki (As they launch forward towards the rest of the swordsmen)

-Zetsu vs Kitsuchi Platoon-

Kitsuchi: Damn, we haven’t finished dealing with these and they’ve sent another platoon already. Let’s do it.

Kitsuchi, Kurotsuchi: Doton, Rising Earth Excavation. ( More Zetsu’s are brought out)

Kitsuchi: Stay back everyone, let the aburame’s handle this (As they reshuffled, going behind the Aburames)

Shino: Their weakness is known now, this will be over quickly. (As millions of bugs are released)


(Gaara crumbles only to reveal his sand shell.)

Muu: Oh, he’s good.

Gaara: (Appears behind them, clasps his hands) Sand Migration. (The sand begins to move the edos. They are being pulled into an already erected barrier as random nins come out from hiding and start forming seals)

3rd Rai: Oh no u don’t!!! (Begins making some seals)

Gaara: (Thinking: Wont let u). Desert Coffin (The edos are each trapped in ball of sand)

3rd Rai: Armour!! (Shatters the the sand ball as if it was not there)

Muu: Doton: Camoflage no jutsu (Faded thru and came out of the sand ball unscathed)

4th Kazekage: Fuuton: Waves!! (Emitted wind blade from his body which slash open the sand ball)

Random nin: Gaara Sama, those three are all former kages and have full-body abilities

(Kabuto: (Somewhere else) Yeah, that’s why they are together. Time to get them serious, won’t make the same mistake. (Makes seals)

(Smoke emits from the edo’s.)

3rd Rai: Raiton, Lightening House Armour. (highly vibrated ration engulfs his body)

Muu: Doton, Earth Embodiment. (He turns jet black with black dust surrounding him, eating away at the ground where he is standing)

4th Kazekage: Fuuton, Wind Incantation. (a violent, quick spinning wind encases him, causing a lot of dust)

Random nin: Close and mid range combat is not an option with these three. They each have the power to incinerate hundreds of opponents in a single attack. (Starts sweating)

Gaara: Stay alert. They are attacking!!!

3rd Rai: (Raises hand) Raiton, Lightening Bolt Splash. (High speed lightening moves on the ground)

Muu(Raises both hands to his chest): Doton, Black Dust Release. (A ball shaped dust is formed and released)

4th Kazskage: Fuuton, Shockwave (The air is instantly compressed in his palms and released)

SA forces: !!!!!! (As the three attacks approached with devastating effect, destroying anything and everything in its path)
by: superninja

Naruto 525

Tsuchikage golem: How impressive, this entire area is made out of sensor sand, a jutsu from the hidden sand village. My original plan is ruined now.
Gara appears above him flying on his sand cloud.
Gara: Desert burial!
Sand waves form around tsushikage.
Tsushikage claps his hands: Pillars of earth!
Stone pillars emerge from the ground and tsushikage jumps on one of them.
Gara: I must break you!
Gara sends sand after tsushikage.
Tsushikage does a hand sign and becomes invisible.
Gara (thinking): So this guy depends on stealth. I have the area surrounded with sensor sand, but I must cover these pillars with sand also so he can't escape by moving on them.
Tsushikage: Your skill is very commendable, I haven't seen a sand ninja of your caliber yet. I can see you are covering the pillars with sand, but that won't help you now.

Meanwhile Kakashi is getting ready to break loose.
Kakashi: Now we are on the attack. Sai follow me and be my long range support, also seal any golem I incapacitate. Omoi you guard mine and Sais backs. Lets go!
Kakashi starts running with the big sword behind his back, Sai and Omoi following him.
Meanwhile that ninja that drains the water out of her victims kills another dude.
Fodder ninja: We mustn't get close to her, her attack will kill us instantly!
Sakura: Then use the long range attacks!
Shinobi throw kunais at her, but it doesn't damage the edo golem.
Two fodder shinobis charge edo golem with a chain to tackle her down. The edo golem jumps up and lands behind Sakura. Edo golem gets impaled on the beheader sword and then flipped over by Kakashi.
Kakashi: Time to die.
Sai binds it with his ink snakes and then writes some symbols in ink on the edo golems forehead and does hand seals. Edo gets paralyzed.
Omoi: The next one is there!
Kakashi: Sakura guard this golem until the sealing team gets to you!
Kakashi and Sai move on.
Meanwhile the edo golem with explosive punch gets one paneled by Gai.
Gai (evades his punch and hits him in the stomach): Your punch may be destructive but you'll never hit me. Because you lack power of youth!

Meanwhile Gara vs tshushikage
Tsushikage: I can adjust my weight and pressure I put on the ground. That is why your method of detection is useless!
Gara: If that is so, then I'll just have to find you using a different method.
Gara: Sandstorm!
Gara raises a lot of sand up and starts bombarding the area with sand. Gara destroys the stone pillars and everything but there is no tsushikage.
Tsushikage: Too late.
Tsushikage has a big ass sniper crossbow that shoots stone bullets. And he hits Gara's sand clone that was riding the sand cloud. Gara's sand clone falls apart.
Tsushikage: Just a clone?
He becomes invisible again.
Gara's sand eye is floating above him.
Tsushikage: There is no point in trying to find me, I am the invisible killer, the one that took out the most feared of shinobis.
Gara catches him with sand and immobilizes him.
Gara: Sand particles in the air, I can feel you walking through them.
Tsushikage: Impressive for a kid your age. You have a skill worthy of the title kage.

Meanwhile Kakashi.... (to end on a cliffhanger)
Kakashi, Sai and Omoi face the needle thread guy, lightning sword guy and a fat guy.
Kakashi: Time to put my sword wielding skill to test.

Naruto 524 (English)

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by: VSD

Naruto 525 : The Fourth Option

Madara : So that's it ... the last option.
Zetsu (Black) : ?
Madara : Oh ... Nothing important. Where is the transfer?
Zetsu : If you talk about Hashirama and the guy of Konoha, it works. The latter clones will be fielded soon.
Madara : OK ... For Sasuke?
Zetsu : He's good.
Madara : Well ...

Kabuto: I demand an answer.
Suigetsu: You're as deceitful as the idiot of Orochimaru. I'd never trust you ... Juugo look who's there!
Juugo : !?
Suigetsu : He ... disappeared ...
Kabuto: Or not! - Mangetsu is out of the ground with another tomb -
Suigetsu : !
Juugo : Your brother?
Kabuto : You can't refuse ... Suigetsu.
Mangetsu : Hi, bro.
Suigetsu : Mangetsu-chan ...
Juugo : And the other?
Kabuto : Do you remember... the first real ninja ... that you met ... but Sasuke has replaced him ...
Juugo: !!!!! Kimimaro ?!!!!
Kabuto: Hehe. They will handle your case. I have other things to do - his plan appears on the ground -
Suigetsu : Hey! - Mangetsu cut his brother with his sword -
Juugo: Raaah - Juugo's arm in Level 2 collides against the bone arm of Kimimaro Level 2 -

Brother against brother!
Cursed against cursed!

Kiba: They never die ?!
Hinata: They're back !
Neji : Spores ... Every time we attack them, they drop spores on us!
Kiba : So what ?!
Shino : They poison us ...
Neji : And drain chakra to replenish their bodies!

Killer-Bee: Kyuubi doesn't always cooperate huh ...
Naruto: Yep.
Killer-Bee: Well, try again.
Naruto: OK! Hmmm .... HAAAH! There is an evil presence ... and much more! ... Up there - watch the ceiling -
Zetsu: - appears - urgh ...
Killer-Bee: How did you come here ?!
Zetsu: Hehe ... It seems that my coverage is ruined, Madara.
Madara - telepathically -: No problem. Sasuke is ready.
Zetsu: Ok anyway, you're trapped! - A thirty white Zetsu appears -
Naruto: There is a crack.
Zetsu: What?
Naruto: We do not ever told you that one thing never to trap ?
Killer-Bee : Huh?
Naruto : When we're smart, when we want to survive, see the sun rise, there is one thing to never ever trapped.
Zetsu : And what is it?
Naruto : ... Me! - Releasing the ball to the ceiling -

All Zetsus are burned and disintegrated.
The original managed to escape in extremis.

Killer-Bee: Wow! - The tentacles of Hachibi protects him -
Naruto:... Here ... the Solar Rasengan !
Killer-Bee - in the head -: Huh! This kid is simply masterful! He failed to properly use the technique of Bijuu Ball, so he uses his Rasengan coupled to Kyuubi chakra and release the ball immediately after taking the appearance of the Bijuu ! What makes it 10x more powerful than with the simple chakra of Kyuubi ! This kid is a genius!

Gay: - collapse -
Lee: Gay-sensei! The use was too upset!
Sakura: Itachi Uchiha ... huh ...
Kankuro: You better stop, there is a thirty against you, alone.
Itachi: ... No ... You don't yet noticed ...
Sai : Notice what?
Itachi : All of you ... You're in my illusion ... HAHAHA!
Sakura: What the ...!

Zetsu - out of the ground -: Arghhhh! I was severely burned, but apparently Sasuke is good ?
Madara: Yes. It's time ... Sasuke will take his revenge!

Naruto 526 : Evolution!
Hi Guys, Zetsu-san here, just to let you know about this
Naruto Shippuden Movie 4
I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so
(we finally get to see Yondaime in action!)
Read This!! Another SPOOF From Numinous
CLICK Images to read Full Abridged Version
Naruto Chapter 60 Abridge Version

Naruto Chapter 12 Abridged Version

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Sasu-Saku and Naru-Hina

Naruto 525, Naruto 525 Raw, Naruto 525 Confirmed Spoiler, Naruto Manga 525, Naruto 525 English, Naruto 525 Read Online, Naruto 525 OneManga, Naruto 525 Narutocentral, Naruto 525 Narutofan, Naruto 525 Mangahelpers, Naruto 525 Raw Spoilers, Naruto 525 Spoilers, Naruto 525 Predictions, Naruto 525 Download, Naruto 525 Predictions, Naruto 525 Raw Pics, Naruto 525 Raw Scans, Naruto 525 Ohana, Naruto 525 Nja, Naruto 525 Mangastream

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